The 3Ball Monterrey kids + Toy Selectah are in town to showcase the latest in the Mexican scene! do not miss them! more info here. An event curated by Matias Aguayo!
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
030 39787-0
For more about WorldTronics Festival visit their website.
>How would you react to the news: Isa GT has retired from music forever?!! DISASTER!!
film yourself upload it to youtube and then upload your youtube video on the match page: .Please help me win and I promise I will never ever retire! for realzies!!! 🙂
I’m enjoying the mix my friend Robin from Tri Angle records did for Fact Magazine, go here and listen to it!
An article on The Fader about Colombia Champeta (one of my favourite Colombian rhythms) and a mix the Boi made, you can find it here
This party was awesome! Love polish people they are nuts! the place was incredible as well (an old light bulb factory).
The amazing piece I’m wearing was made by the talented Craig Lawrence, go to his website and check more of his incredibly beautiful work.
Here’s a video from his latest collection:
ps. (If you know who took the photo please let us know so I credit them)